3 Things to Avoid When Starting CrossFit
Spend one year trying to get in shape because you think you need to be fit to join CrossFit. “Don’t I need to be super fit to do this?” Absolutely not! Everyone starts their CrossFit journey somewhere. Some start from the couch, while others start from another sport. The beauty in our CrossFit box is the diversity of everyone here. No matter where your starting point is, just start.
Compare yourself to others. What is the point in comparing yourself to someone else? Take a second, think about it. What does it mean if you are bigger, smaller, stronger, etc? Does that mean you are better than? Less than? When you join our box, you’re part of a team. A team of humans striving for the same goals with different purpose. We all root for one another to be the best version of ourselves. Know that there is only one you.
Go too hard. It is easy to get carried away in volume and/or intensity far too early in your CrossFit journey. There is so much to learn and you’re going to want to do everything, and then some. Just remember that the journey is toward long term health and wellness. The more time you spend allowing your body to adapt and learning the proper movement patterns for each exercise, the more successful you’ll be in the long run. Follow your coaches and be patient with yourself. You’ll be accomplishing things you’ve never thought possible soon enough.
Remember, we all started somewhere. We must start our journey in order to get where we want to go.